To quantify the total GHG emission and removals across APRIL’s land bank from land use, APRIL follows the GHG Protocol Agricultural Guidance and IPCC Guidelines for Agricultural, Forestry, and Other Land Use. To detect the land cover change within the look-back period, i.e. 20 years APRIL utilized the remotely sensed data.
The GHG emission will be calculated as the total of carbon stock changes in woody biomass and soil organic carbon and include all major carbon fluxes such as peat decomposition, plantation growth and harvesting, and fires.
To quantify the amount of carbon unit to balance the emission, the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standards (CCB), or other internationally accepted standard will be used.
Key Actions in 2022
| Performance 2022 • Progressing |
APRIL follows the international GHG protocol as developed by WRI/WBCSD to develop its emissions profile. The total emissions measured as emissions intensity is calculated based on tonnes of Scope 1 and 2 Mill Greenhouse Gas Emissions per tonne of product (paper, pulp and viscose). The emissions boundary scope covers gate-to-gate (wood processing in wood yard until pulp, paper and viscose production) of the three main GHGs: CO2, CH4, and N2O.
Baseline 0.55 tCO2e/product tonne | Performance 2022 • On Track |
Key Actions in 2022 | |
14% reduction to 0.47 TCO2eq/T
Calculate from the records of fuel types used the amount consumed in boilers to generate power, heat and steam including energy use for mobile & including transportation. Each of the fuel types are converted to energy expressed by Giga Joule Lower Heating Value (GJ LHV) following the IPCC guidelines.
Baseline: 87%
Key Actions in 2022 1.8% increase in renewable energy use to 88.6%
| Performance 2022 • On Track |
Calculate from the records of fuel types the quantity consumed by major categories of forest management activities by Fiber operations.
This covers energy used for Forest operations, infrastructure including wood transport from estate to mill; When a blend of fuel types is used (such as B20) the contribution to renewable and cleaner energy targets is calculated separately for each fuel rather than considering the blend as a cleaner fuel type.
Baseline: 19%
Key Actions in 2022 9% increase to 28% energy demand provided from renewable energy sources
| Performance 2022 • Progressing |
Untuk menghitung total emisi dan serapan GRK akibat penggunaan lahan pada seluruh areanya, APRIL mengikuti GHG Protocol Agricultural Guidance dan IPCC Guidelines for Agricultural, Forestry, and Other Land Use. Perubahan lahan dihitung berdasarkan rentang waktu tertentu, yaitu 20 tahun berdasarkan analisa data penginderaan jauh.
Emisi GRK akan dihitung sebagai total perubahan stok karbon pada biomassa tumbuhan berkayu dan bahan organik tanah, serta mencakup semua fluks/aliran utama karbon seperti dekomposisi gambut, pertumbuhan dan pemanenan tanaman, serta kebakaran lahan.
Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standards (CCB), atau standar lainnya yang diterima di tingkat internasional akan digunakan untuk melakukan kuantifikasi atas jumlah unit karbon yang digunakan untuk mengimbangi emisi.
Untuk menyusun profil emisi, APRIL mengikuti GHG Protocol yang disusun oleh WRI/WBCSD. Intensitas emisi dihitung berdasarkan jumlah ton emisi GRK Scope 1 dan Scope 2 yang dihasilkan di pabrik per ton produk (kertas, pulp, dan viskosa). Batasan emisi mencakup tiga GRK utama pada lingkup gate-to-gate (pengolahan kayu di wood yard sampai produksi pulp, kertas, dan viskosa): CO2, CH4, dan N2O.
Konsumsi energi dihitung dari catatan jenis bahan bakar yang digunakan, jumlah yang digunakan oleh boiler untuk membangkitkan tenaga, panas, dan uap, termasuk penggunaan energi untuk mobilitas & transportasi. Tiap jenis bahan bakar diubah menjadi energi yang dinyatakan dalam Giga Joule Lower Heating Value (GJ LHV) sesuai dengan pedoman IPCC.
Angka dasar: 87%
Konsumsi energi dihitung dari catatan jenis bahan bakar serta jumlah yang dikonsumsi oleh seluruh aktivitas-aktivitas utama pada kegiatan pengelolaan hutan untuk memproduksi serat kayu /fiber.
Ini mencakup energi yang digunakan untuk operasional hutan, infrastruktur termasuk pengangkutan kayu dari estate penanaman ke pabrik;
Apabila terdapat penggunaan jenis bahan bakar campuran (misalnya B20), kontribusi pada target energi yang lebih bersih dan terbarukan akan dihitung secara terpisah untuk tiap jenis bahan bakar, daripada memperhitungkan bahan bakar campuran tersebut sebagai jenis bahan bakar yang lebih bersih.
Angka dasar: 19%
Poverty mapping is identified through:
1. Desktop analysis using National Statistics, Village Potential Statistics, SMERU Poverty Map.
2. On-the-ground verification through FGD, village transect walk, interview with community.
Baseline 3% | Performance 2022 • Progressing |
Key Actions in 2022 To be assessed in 2024 Signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Riau Province on initiatives relating to poverty, education and health; Conducted trainings on access to digital marketplaces and sustainable farming for the communities |
Number of Mill and Nursery contractor calculated based on Man Power data which grouped by gender level calculated as a monthly average.
Baseline = 2571
We engaged third party to conduct assessment in APRIL-supported schools using the framework that was developed by Research Triangle Institute (RTI) and USAID.
Baseline In development | Performance 2022 • Progressing |
Key Actions in 2022 To be assessed in 2024 Signed MoU with 5 Heads of Districts & Education Board (endorsement to school partners) Conducted a literacy and numeracy baseline study (EGRA EGMA INAP) for 172 school partners |
In development
Baseline In development | Performance 2022 • Progressing |
Key Actions in 2022 To be assessed in 2024 Signed MoU with 5 Heads of Districts & Education Board (endorsement to school partners) Conducted a literacy and numeracy baseline study (EGRA EGMA INAP) for 172 school partners |
In development
Baseline In development | Performance 2022 • Progressing |
Key Actions in 2022 To be assessed in 2024 Signed MoU with 5 Heads of Districts & Education Board (endorsement to school partners) Conducted a literacy and numeracy baseline study (EGRA EGMA INAP) for 172 school partners |
In development
Baseline In development | Performance 2022 • Progressing |
Key Actions in 2022 Signed MoU with Riau Province, BKKBN, and 4 District. Program design for 4 stunting reduction initiatives: national strategy, digital initiative for Bidan/ midwifes, Rumah Anak SIGAP, and Tim Pendamping Keluarga mobilization. Implementation of Rumah Anak SIGAP with Tanoto Foundation |
Women’s effective participation is identified from the participation list for each program. Percentage of female participation is calculated by the number of women participating divided by the total participants.
Baseline 34% | Performance 2022 • Progressing |
Key Actions in 2022 63% achieved to date Ongoing monitoring of gender ratio in CD beneficiaries |
The number of own and supply partners employees is calculated based on year-end Man Power data which is grouped by gender. The identification of leadership position refer to employees’ grade D2 or Manager level and above.
Baseline 55 women employees in leadership position | Performance 2022 • Progressing |
Key Actions in 2022 10.7% Continue identifying recruitment and promotion opportunities that can be prioritized for women candidates |
Pemetaan kemiskinan diidentifikasi melalui:
1. Analisis pustaka, menggunakan Statistik Nasional, Statistik Potensi Desa, Peta Kemiskinan SMERU.
2.Verifikasi lapangan melalui Diskusi Kelompok Terarah, penelusuran lokasi, wawancara dengan masyarakat.
Angka dasar = 3%
Kami melibatkan pihak ketiga untuk melakukan asesmen pada sekolah-sekolah yang mendapat dukungan dari APRIL, menggunakan kerangka yang disusun oleh Research Triangle Institute (RTI) dan USAID.
Angka dasar = Dalam proses penyusunan
Dalam proses penyusunan
Angka dasar = Dalam proses penyusunan
Dalam proses penyusunan
Angka dasar = Dalam proses penyusunan
Dalam proses penyusunan
Angka dasar = Dalam proses penyusunan
Partisipasi efektif perempuan diidentifikasi dari daftar peserta untuk tiap program.
Persentase partisipasi perempuan dihitung dari jumlah perempuan yang ikut serta dibagi dengan total peserta.
Angka dasar = 34%
Jumlah pegawai perusahaan dan pegawai mitra pemasok dihitung menggunakan data ketenagakerjaan pada akhir tahun yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan gender. Identifikasi jabatan kepemimpinan mengacu pada pegawai grade D2 atau tingkat Manajer dan di atasnya.
Angka dasar = 55
Jumlah kontraktor pabrik dan nursery dihitung berdasarkan data ketenagakerjaan yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan gender, dihitung dalam rata-rata bulanan
Angka dasar = 2571
Soda content within the liquor cycle and losses are determined by means of mass balance based on daily lab analysis.
Lime volume in the lime kiln and losses are determined by means of lime make-up.
The recovery rate is calculated net of the percentage of make-up amounts added. The annual figure is based on the average monthly recovery rate.
Baseline 96% | Performance 2022 • Not Progressing |
Key Actions in 2022 96.3% Expanded from one to two lime reclamation facilities improving our lime reclamation recovery process capacity by 83%. Continued dual-purpose initiative to enable the removal and recovery of soda from brown-fibre through washing for use as fuel substitute. Implementation of centrifuge system to replace Dregs Filter |
Water consumption per tonne of product is calculated based on water consumed in the production of saleable pulp, paper, viscose staple fiber and viscose yarn measured by flow meters, via calculation and water balances divided by the production figures for saleable pulp, paper, viscose staple fibre and viscose yarn.
Baseline 28 m3/T | Performance 2022 • Not Progressing |
Key Actions in 2022 28 m3/T 12 projects implemented under the water reduction strategy leading to ~400l/s saving. |
The DPTW utilisation rate and % of textile waste per tonne of product will be based on R&D lab/pilot/demo procedures.
Baseline 0% | Performance 2022 • In Development |
Key Actions in 2022 Trial feedstock secured Demo plant testing in progress with capacity of either 24 tons of 100% RT or 120 tons 20% RT. Identified and secured several sources of suitable feedstock and are working with our partner to assess suitable equipment and integrate our patented technology into a demo. |
Waste disposed is recorded through various means of measurement including estimation of weight by waste type. Particular waste types as described above are measured as a wet waste and converted to a bone dry (BD) weight. The wet waste weight is multiplied by the consistency of each waste type to determine the BD. The consistency is predetermined by the lab.
Baseline 71kg/T | Performance 2022 • On Track |
49% reduction achieved 34.9kg/T Transforming waste to value by reusing 23,352 tonnes of bottom ash as a road subbase. Manufacture fertilisers using mill residuals |
Tingkat kandungan soda dalam siklus cairan lindi (liquor) serta susutnya ditentukan melalui keseimbangan massa berdasarkan analisis lab harian.
Volume kapur pada tanur kapur serta susutnya ditentukan melalui pengisian kembali kapur.
Tingkat recovery dihitung bersih dari persentase jumlah pengisian kembali yang ditambahkan. Angka tahunan didasarkan pada rata-rata tingkat pengembalian kembali bulanan.
Angka dasar: 96%
Konsumsi air per ton produk dihitung berdasarkan banyaknya air yang dikonsumsi dalam produksi pulp siap jual (saleable), kertas, serat stapel viskosa dan benang viskosa yang diukur berdasarkan pengukuran aliran air, melalui kalkulasi dan keseimbangan air dibagi dengan angka produksi untuk pulp siap jual (saleable), kertas, serat stapel viskosa dan benang viskosa.
Angka dasar: 28.0 m3/ton
Tingkat pemanfaatan Larutan Pulp yang Mengandung Limbah Tekstil (DPTW) dan % limbah tekstil per ton produk akan didasarkan pada prosedur lab/pilot/demo di bagian R&D.
Angka dasar: kondisi nol
Limbah yang dibuang dicatat melalui berbagai cara pengukuran, termasuk estimasi bobot berdasarkan jenis limbah.
Jenis limbah tertentu yang disebutkan di atas diukur sebagai limbah basah dan bobotnya dikonversi ke dalam satuan bone dry. Berat limbah dalam bobot basah dikalikan dengan besaran konsistensi tiap jenis limbah untuk menentukan angka dalam BD. Besaran konsistensi tersebut ditetapkan oleh lab.
Angka dasar: 0,071 BDMT/ton produk
Landscape conservation funding includes restoration and conservation costs associated with the RER as well as the allocation of a proportion of the costs related to APRIL’s maintenance of conservation values under its production-protection model. The allocation is based on proportionate amount of each cost that is related to conservation and restoration.
The wood volume is based on wood delivered to the Mill.
Baseline USD$0.7 per tonne of plantation fiber | Performance 2022 • On Track |
Key Actions in 2022
Peer-reviewed scientific journal publication standards
Baseline 1 | Performance 2022 • On Track |
Key Actions in 2022 Publications: 4 |
Area within conservation is derived from land bank which is based on land cover analysis and is updated annually to capture any boundary changes, land use changes or measurement data.
Baseline 0 ha Net loss | Performance 2022 • Not Progressing |
Key Actions in 2022 552 ha Net Loss |
Reports for reforestation of previously encroached and degraded area including all areas where assisted natural regeneration, planting or enrichment planting of species that improve habitat value have taken place during the year but excludes natural regeneration.
Baseline 275 ha | Performance 2022 • Progressing |
Key Actions in 2022 502.87 ha of areas restored |
Methodology to be developed to measure change in ecosystem services and values over time (carbon sequestration, water provision, resource provision including fish and honey)
BaselineMay include various initiatives relating to conservation of RTE species to be defined in a priority list, initiatives may be conducted solely or in collaboration with other stakeholders.
BaselineMethodology to be developed specific to animal species and does not include plants. Qualifying initiatives may vary widely in nature but must have the animal protection as the primary objective.
Partnerships will be developed and documented in line with an overarching strategy prioritizing stakeholders and threats specific to the country of Indonesia assessed.
Key Actions in 2022 Illegal Wildlife Trade strategy finalized in collaboration with Wildlife Conservation Society | Performance 2022 • Progressing |
Wood deliveries (excluding open market supply) to the mill are used as a basis to calculate MAI (Tonnes/ Ha/Yr). The MAI is based on the 3 year area weighted rolling average growth for all closed compartments.
Baseline 20T/ha/yr | Performance 2022 • On Track |
Key Actions in 2022 Increase of 13% to 22.61/ha/yr |
Number of scientists from universities and research institutions that have collaborated with APRIL on peatland management during the calendar year
Baseline 9 | Performance 2022 • On Track |
Key Actions in 2022 Collaborations: 84 |
Documentation of Participation (presentation of papers or posters) in national and international dialogues, workshops and conferences
Baseline 6 | Performance 2022 • On Track |
Key Actions in 2022 Conferences: 35 |
Pendanaan konservasi lanskap mencakup biaya-biaya untuk kegiatan restorasi dan konservasi yang berkaitan dengan RER serta alokasi sebagian pembiayaan untuk upaya APRIL dalam menjaga nilai-nilai konservasi berdasarkan model produksi-proteksi.
Alokasi tersebut didasarkan pada jumlah yang proporsional untuk tiap biaya yang berkaitan dengan konservasi dan restorasi.
Volume kayu didasarkan pada kayu yang dikirim ke pabrik
Angka dasar: USD$0,7 untuk setiap ton serat HTI
Standar publikasi jurnal ilmiah yang melalui proses peninjauan sejawat
Angka dasar: 1
Area konservasi diperoleh dari lahan HTI yang dikelola, yang didasarkan pada analisis tutupan lahan dan diperbarui setiap tahun untuk menyesuaikan dengan setiap perubahan tata batas, perubahan penggunaan lahan, atau perubahan data hasil pengukuran.
Data dasar: 365.751ha
Laporan terkait penanaman kembali pada area yang sebelumnya mengalami perambahan dan kerusakan, termasuk semua area yang telah terjadi regenerasi alami dengan perbantuan, penanaman atau pengayaan yang dapat meningkatkan kondisi habitat dalam satu tahun, namun tidak termasuk regenerasi alami.
Data dasar: 275ha
Metodologi akan disusun untuk mengukur perubahan nilai dan jasa lingkungan, sekuestrasi karbon, ketersediaan air, ketersediaan sumber daya termasuk ikan dan madu) dalam kurun waktu tertentu.
Data dasar: belum disusun
Dapat mencakup berbagai inisiatif yang terkait dengan konservasi spesies RTE yang akan ditetapkan sebagai daftar prioritas. Inisiatif dapat dilakukan sendiri atau berkolaborasi dengan pihak lainnya.
Data dasar: 2
Metodologi yang akan dikembangkan khusus untuk spesies satwa dan tidak termasuk tumbuhan . Inisiatif yang memenuhi syarat bisa beragam bentuknya, namun harus memiliki tujuan utama yaitu untuk melindungi satwa.
Kemitraan akan dikembangkan dan didokumentasikan sejalan dengan prioritas pemangku kepentingan serta ancaman yang spesifik bagi Indonesia.
Angka dasar: sedang disusun
Pengiriman kayu (tidak termasuk pemasok dari pasar terbuka) ke pabrik digunakan sebagai dasar untuk menghitung MAI (Ton/Ha/Tahun). MAI didasarkan pada pertumbuhan rata-rata bergulir tertimbang di tingkat area selama 3 tahun untuk semua kompartemen tertutup.
Angka dasar: 20
Jumlah ilmuwan dari perguruan tinggi dan lembaga penelitian yang berkolaborasi dengan APRIL di bidang pengelolaan lahan gambut dalam satu tahun kalender
Angka dasar: 9
Dokumentasi keikutsertaan (penyajian makalah atau poster) dalam dialog, lokakarya, dan konferensi di tingkat nasional dan internasional
Angka dasar: 6